07 March 2008

Matthew Eleven

yep, I'm falling a little behind... :( Sorry!  Hope to add more soon!

Matthew Ten

Verse: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."  - Matthew 10:34

Observation: This passage comes directly from Jesus as he is sending his disciples out to minister throughout Israel. He is preparing them for what is to come, how they will be treated, and how people will react to their message. When you think about it, they were spreading a radical message in that time... they were telling Jews that their Messiah had come at a time when many did not believe it. In verse 16 Jesus tells them that he is "sending them out like sheep among wolves."  This doesn't necessarily paint a pretty picture.  It shows us that the road will not be easy; it will be anything but easy. As a Christian and relatively peaceful person, I at times forget that Jesus didn't come to make everything better... to make us all get along.  He came because people were lost.  People were hurting.  He came to shake things up. He rattled people to their very cores and caused a TON of controversy. And for those that think being a Christian is easy and makes everything hunky dory... they are incorrect.  As Jesus plainly tells us here, the road will be long and hard. After all, he didn't come just to bring peace... he came to shake the world.

Application: While it might seem odd, it's kind of comforting to read this chapter of Matthew. It spells out danger as well as a tough road for being a Christian.  How is that comforting?  Maybe in a way it makes me feel that I'm doing something right.  If the road isn't always easy, and at times is downright rocky, then maybe it's okay.  In a distorted way it makes me feel like I'm on the right track at times.  Maybe there's something to that... maybe there's not. The chapter also makes me feel that I'm a little 'lax in my faith.  I mean, I'm not facing death, torture and prison because of my religion... not here in the US anyway.  So, maybe I could be a little more forward with my faith.  I don't wanna be up in peoples faces, because they won't listen... but I'm sure there are ways in which I can be more... dang, the word is flashing in front of my face but I can't grasp it... DELIBERATE (yay, I found it) about my faith. :)

Prayer: Father God, first I want to thank you that I live in a land where I'm not persecuted for my faith or beliefs.  I ask that you protect people all around the world who are.  Those that are beaten, imprisoned, hunted or even killed because of what they believe... I ask that you show them comfort when they most need it.  As for me, help me to be more deliberate with my faith. 

04 March 2008

Matthew Nine

Verse: "She said to herself, 'If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.'"                                           - Matthew 9:21

Observation: This woman had so much faith in Jesus that all she felt she needed to do was touch his cloak and she would be healed.  She trusted so much in his power that all she wanted to do was touch a piece of his garments.  That's some pretty hefty and amazing trust and faith.  It's also an amazing testament to Jesus' power.  Luke's account tells us that Jesus felt the power go out of him and that when she touched his garments she was instantly healed.  The faith and power wrapped up in this small section of the Bible are amazing to me.  Because of her faith, she is healed.

Application: Sometimes I wish I had the faith that this woman had.  I confess it's hard at times to have that much faith and trust in something that I can't see; but I know it's there.  More often than not I trust that He's there... listening and directing, but at times it can be tough.  I wonder if this lady thought that too.  Either way, she didn't give up hope or faith... I need to be more like her and continue to hold the faith.

Prayer:  Much like the lady in this story, help my faith to heal me and nurture growth throughout my life.  Thank you for who you are and all you do.

Matthew Eight

Verse: "A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, 'Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.'  Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man.  'I am willing,' he said. 'Be clean!'  Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy."  - Matthew 8:2-3

Observation: A man had great faith that he could be healed by Jesus... if Jesus was willing.  Jesus reaches out, healing the man instantly.  I think a few things can be gleaned from this verse. First, Jesus does not have to do anything.  He is God in human form and is therefore perfect.  We are sinners and don't deserve anything, really... which leads me to the next point.  Jesus is willing and graciously heals the man.  So even though Jesus does not have to do anything, he does because he loves us, he is gracious, and he is merciful.  We truly serve a loving God... and all that he asks is that we accept him and have faith in him.

Application:  I think the take home on this one is just as I described above... to remember that Jesus is gracious and loving.  All we have to do is ask for forgiveness (to be cleaned) and he will grant our request.  The verse says that immediately the man was cleansed.  He can do the same for us if we just have faith, give it over to him, and ask.

Prayer:  Allow me to let go of the things I shouldn't hold on to so that I can be cleansed of my "leprosy."  Thank you for your grace and for loving me despite all of my flaws and weaknesses.

Matthew Seven

Verse: "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."  - Matthew 7:2

Observation: Be careful not to judge others, because we will be judged through similar lenses.  It is very easy in today's culture to look at someone and make a snap judgment based on their clothing, the way they talk, how they look, what kind of car they drive, etc.  In reality, we know nothing about these people.  Who are we to judge?  We aren't... only one person has the power to do that, and it surely isn't anyone on Earth.  

Application: I admit that I can be quick, at times, to make judgments about people in my head.  This is something I work on daily and continue to grow in... I am thankful, however, that I normally do not let preconceived judgments cloud my head when actually meeting someone.  I enjoy getting to know people and have often been humbled when my initial "judgments" have been far from the truth.  I will continue to work on being non-judgmental.

Prayer: Help me to see through the outer layers and into the inner core of people without making judgments about them; continuously striving to look at people through your eyes and not my own.

02 March 2008

Matthew Six

Verse: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."  - Matthew 6:34

Observations: Do not worry... specifically about tomorrow and all that is to come. Jesus talks a lot in this chapter about worrying.  Verses 25 through 34 approach the subject.  In short he is saying that life is too short to worry about everything that may come about.  In verse 27 he says, "can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" I think Jesus is saying not to sweat the small stuff.  There are many things in this world that are beyond our control, so why bother with worrying... it doesn't help, it doesn't make us feel better, it often doesn't make others feel better.  In verse 34 I believe he's saying that we just need to live every moment as if it were our last.  Don't worry about the future and everything that we need to deal with... In verse 33 he tells us to seek the Kingdom above everything else... if you do that, there should be no need to worry.

Application: Don't sweat the small stuff.  Focus on the kingdom and everything else will be taken care of.

Prayer: Father, help me not to worry about what each day may bring... keep my eyes focused so that I can better see you and your plan.  There's no reason to get bent out of shape because it likely won't help... help me remember that. 

Matthew Five

So... last night, I will admit, I was exhausted and fell asleep in the middle of chapter 5.  So here is the post, a day late... 

Verse: "Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you."  - Matthew 5:42

Observations: This passage comes from the beatitudes where Jesus is teaching.  This section addresses "an eye for an eye" and how instead of getting even, you should turn the other cheek. In addition, Jesus is saying to always give more...

 Application: As I was reading, this verse stood out to me and I immediately thought of the beggars that are always at the 40th st/US 1 intersection... and throughout Miami.  While I don't often have cash on me, I'll admit I generally make sure my windows are rolled up and my eyes are diverted... which is dumb.  I mean, would eye contact be so bad?  I'm sure it wouldn't be, except to say I don't really have anything to give... and now I'm reminded of how much I have... and that in comparison I have plenty to give.  So why am I so uncomfortable?  I should be reaching out and giving more.  I've done it in the past, but I need to do it more when I'm able to help in some way.  I know this is a lot of rambling, but the point it... I, like most people, have a lot... and compared to the beggars and homeless that can be found out on the streets, I am very rich!  So I can start applying this verse by giving more.

Prayer: I pray for a softened heart and greater kindness and patience when coming across people who need help and allow me to be able to give to those who ask.