Observation: Be careful not to judge others, because we will be judged through similar lenses. It is very easy in today's culture to look at someone and make a snap judgment based on their clothing, the way they talk, how they look, what kind of car they drive, etc. In reality, we know nothing about these people. Who are we to judge? We aren't... only one person has the power to do that, and it surely isn't anyone on Earth.
Application: I admit that I can be quick, at times, to make judgments about people in my head. This is something I work on daily and continue to grow in... I am thankful, however, that I normally do not let preconceived judgments cloud my head when actually meeting someone. I enjoy getting to know people and have often been humbled when my initial "judgments" have been far from the truth. I will continue to work on being non-judgmental.
Prayer: Help me to see through the outer layers and into the inner core of people without making judgments about them; continuously striving to look at people through your eyes and not my own.
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