Observation: This passage comes directly from Jesus as he is sending his disciples out to minister throughout Israel. He is preparing them for what is to come, how they will be treated, and how people will react to their message. When you think about it, they were spreading a radical message in that time... they were telling Jews that their Messiah had come at a time when many did not believe it. In verse 16 Jesus tells them that he is "sending them out like sheep among wolves." This doesn't necessarily paint a pretty picture. It shows us that the road will not be easy; it will be anything but easy. As a Christian and relatively peaceful person, I at times forget that Jesus didn't come to make everything better... to make us all get along. He came because people were lost. People were hurting. He came to shake things up. He rattled people to their very cores and caused a TON of controversy. And for those that think being a Christian is easy and makes everything hunky dory... they are incorrect. As Jesus plainly tells us here, the road will be long and hard. After all, he didn't come just to bring peace... he came to shake the world.
Application: While it might seem odd, it's kind of comforting to read this chapter of Matthew. It spells out danger as well as a tough road for being a Christian. How is that comforting? Maybe in a way it makes me feel that I'm doing something right. If the road isn't always easy, and at times is downright rocky, then maybe it's okay. In a distorted way it makes me feel like I'm on the right track at times. Maybe there's something to that... maybe there's not. The chapter also makes me feel that I'm a little 'lax in my faith. I mean, I'm not facing death, torture and prison because of my religion... not here in the US anyway. So, maybe I could be a little more forward with my faith. I don't wanna be up in peoples faces, because they won't listen... but I'm sure there are ways in which I can be more... dang, the word is flashing in front of my face but I can't grasp it... DELIBERATE (yay, I found it) about my faith. :)
Prayer: Father God, first I want to thank you that I live in a land where I'm not persecuted for my faith or beliefs. I ask that you protect people all around the world who are. Those that are beaten, imprisoned, hunted or even killed because of what they believe... I ask that you show them comfort when they most need it. As for me, help me to be more deliberate with my faith.
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