Observations: News about Jesus was spreading because of his ministry, works and miracles. (Good news spreads fast, eh?) People all over the place knew about him and what he could do. In this passage it says that people with sickness were brought to him... In this day and time, who knows how far they had to travel. This shows the extreme faith people had in Jesus... that they were willing to travel, and risk getting worse in their sickness, to see the one who could heal them. And what happens? Jesus heals them all. So I see a lot taking place in this one, small passage. Sickness, faith, hope, compassion, healing. The passage also shows the power that Jesus has. He isn't curing colds here... he's taking away chronic pain, drawing out demons, making the paralyzed walk... that's power!
Application: So... if all of these people were willing to risk their lives just to catch a glimpse of Jesus, or get a chance to be healed by him, why do we/I have such a hard time taking leaps of faith? The faith these people had is something I can learn from. Also... I've mentioned before that I have a hard time handing things over because of my own stubbornness and wanting to do it on my own... for goodness sake... this man is making paralyzed people walk. There is nothing in my life he can not do! So why is it so hard to let go and acknowledge that?
Prayer: Allow me the faith of the people in Syria... that I can let go of my control and recognize your amazing power. Help me to move out of the way, letting things happen in your way... not mine. Heal me from my short-comings.
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