09 January 2008

Day 1: surgery

At 530am this morning I headed to the South Miami Medical Arts Surgery Center to have my tonsils and adenoids removed and tubes put in each of my ears.  As I have nothing else to do, I think I'll attempt to keep a log of each day's progression.

Apparently there are several different ways to have your tonsils removed.  The method used on me was called coblation.  The wand uses radio frequency energy to break down molecules... kinda cool.  Here's the link to further information: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/13677.php

I went under around 7am this morning, woke up in recovery a few hours later and was home by 1030am.  I was a little woozy and what-not from the anesthesia, IV, and meds that they gave me.  So I came home, laid on the couch and got some sleep.  I got some good drugs from the doc, so I took those once I woke up.  

Overall, I'm felling much better than expected.  I've been able to drink a lot of fluids and stay hydrated and I've been hungry for soup, popsicles and yogurt.  Downfall: the doctor has requested that I stay on a soft diet for 2 weeks regardless of how I'm feeling.  Upside: he said that I might lose 15-20 pounds because of that... I will welcome the weight loss! haha  But it's a drag being on a soft diet... I'm already craving chips and salsa!

So, other than the discomfort of having my throat cut up, a still slightly swollen tongue and a ridiculously swollen uvula... i'm feeling fairly decent.  I'll take some pain pills before bed tonight and hopefully get some great rest!  I've read on some other blogs that day 3 can be the worst, but that was with a different method... so hopefully I'll be getting better with each day!  

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